What is A Biblical Home?

Give me Your Opinion?

Imagine for a minute if you were out on a stroll one beautiful evening and all of a sudden a young man came up to you and ask "How would you describe or define a Biblical Home?" How do you think you would answer that question? Maybe, like most Americans, your answer would be something like the following:

1) Attending Church on Sunday.

2) Attending Wednesday night Service.

3) Community 

4) Reading favorite Bible stories like David & Goliath


This has been the standard ideology of Evangelicals in the last Several years toward what a Biblical Home looks like. We are far removed from the what the Bible states a Biblical Home looks like. Many Evangelicals (including us for some time) adopted the idea that being a Biblical Home is nothing more than being part of Church/community and reading Kids Bible books. Per Scripture, this is not remotely close to what a Biblical Home looks like. So what does a Biblical Home Like... we must turn to the scripture. 

Just The Facts

George Barna, founder of the Barna Research Group, conducted research to see what a "Vibrant Spiritual Home" looks like. This research was done in 2018 and the findings were very intriguing to say the least. Out of the many families and individuals they interviewed, only 25% lived in a "Vibrant Spiritual House" 

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